Two Million and Two Ways to Use Color Gel

Two Million and Two Ways to Use Color Gel
Way back in 2009, we posted a blog about A Million and One Ways to Use Color Gel. It remains one of the most popular blog posts of all time here at StageSpot. We’re about to receive our largest order yet of theatrical lighting gel here at the warehouse and were brainstorming even more ways to use gel. We did the math and if we laid this entire order end to end, it would be 4.6 miles of gel weighing it at around 1400lbs. Be still our heart.In the past we’ve covered lights with gel in the theatre, home and office. That awful light in your kitchen that makes you look green in all your attempted selfies, it can be fixed with gel. You can either go for color correcting light gel or have some fun and mix it up with bright colors. Ordering a swatch book to test out which gels will work best is a great way to find what works best for your light.

tubesColor Correction examples on tube lighting.

Window Cling Modern Art Masterpieces can be the next Pinterest craft craze. We’re already drooling over color choices for Fall themed window art, Halloween Trick or Treat welcome windows, and a really neat display for Christmas and Hanukkah from our second story windows. Window cling art can be a great project for kids, just pre-cut shapes if the children are too young for scissors and let them have a grand time sticking it up.

#nofilter #geluses #techtheatreswag

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Photography stores and sites sell pre made color filter kits, many times you can make your own for a fraction of the cost. Newspaper photography teams have often bought a batch of gel and created their own color filter kits for use in the field for a fraction of the cost. It’s a great team building AND money saving gel idea.Some of the thicker gel sheets make great dividers for school notebooks, just cut to size and punch holes where needed. You can even use dry erase markers on smooth gel filter sheets, they make a great memo pad at the office.Instead of leaving the inside of the next birthday card you send blank, take the punched out holes bits (aka chads, remember that flashback?) and put a few in. When the recipient opens their card, a flutter of colorful gel will accompany your birthday greetings. It will be larger and easier to clean than glitter so your friend shouldn’t feel the need to retaliate with any further prank crafts.Flowers made with gel scraps adorn our desks. Sticking them to the stage manager’s pencils are a great way to ensure the pencils get returned. Or at least recycled into sweet gifts. Hope you have found some good ideas here at StageSpot.

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